So I'm 98% sure that Philip has moved on, but not 100% sure. I was out of town for a month, but I got back 2 weeks ago, and he keeps talking on the phone, but he hasn't asked me out (And I did ask him out--for his birthday, but he had plans.) He also seems to be initiating calls less often--I have to text him first.
I feel in this really awkward situation.
a) I told him I wasn't seeing other people just because I didn't have the energy for it about 2 months ago. (Interestingly, he took his ad off collarme about a month ago and it isn't back on. It is possible he he is seeing someone else, or just busy with something else, or blue.)
b) I also told him that if he did something that would really "fuck things us" I would talk to him about it before I broke up.
c) But, I feel like talking to him about it is high maintenance and silly. I feel like he is telling me "go away" and so I'm inclined to just go away, but it feels passive aggressive to start seeing other people sort of behind his back. What to do, what to do what to do....
Last week, I figured I'd give him till the weekend, but then he said "I'm super busy this week--we'll get together next week." So now I'm sort of giving him till this weekend.
I've also started to lose interest. 3 weeks ago, he didn't call me for 3 or 4 days after I texted him. (I was travelling a lot in an area that I didn't have cell phone coverage or time, so while I was away, I'd just text him "I've got coverage and time today" and he'd always call that evening and we'd talk for a couple of hours. I really didn't mind doing that while I was super-busy and travelling, but it didn't occur to me that would become the foundation of our communication. Anyway, 3 weeks ago, I was SO sad and blue, and then he called, apologized for being out of touch and said he'd been blue and didn't want it to rub off on me.
I don't know if I'm naive for thinking this is mixed signals, or if I should just accept that he's not that into me and move on. There's a lot I liked about him. But I'm starting to forget what all that was...