Saturday, April 26, 2008

Art at Recess

I managed to escape to NYC for the long weekend, and saw the amazing Sunday in the Park with George again. I'm surprised they can allow it in public; the third song is the most erotic thing I've ever heard, even though it is ostensibly about "Color and Light." I kept snapping a rubber band against my wrist. The song is pure sex.

I've decided to write a romance novel. Not decided. Just had a flash that I was supposed to do it, and how the characters would meet. I've started, and it is fun! I'm a little embarrassed. I have a rather 'high brow' view of myself, that is probably silly. But I'm really enjoying the writing, and it has been a long time since I've been excited by a project. It is SO much fun! I'm actually using writing as a reward--had to get a proposal finished for work and I said "OK, finish this much, and then you can go back to your book." I'm really excited by it!

I know the guy character isn't as well developed--I need to work on that. I have some sympathetic bits at the beginning for him, but he isn't fully fleshed out, but I think, given that I've been working on this for 4 days now, it is pretty good! And hell, if I sell the book, then all my dating expenses for the last 3 years will be tax deductible! ;)

I want to explore the issues I've been exploring in a format that will appeal to more people. The novel isn't really S/m related--I want to make it broader and avoid the 'ick' and gawking factors. But I think a lot of the issues I've been exploring are much more universal than just for kinky folks.

The funny thing is, I don't think of myself as a 'fiction' person. I wrote one short story, long ago, when I was first coming to terms with wiitwd. But I've always thought I didn't have a creative bone in my body. But this is falling together. And I think it is good!

I'm sure I'll check back in from time to time, but I don't intend to post regularly at right now. I can really only have one writing project at a time. When I work on this regularly, I think about what I'm going to write when I go walking and other times when my mind is free. My nameless novel needs that energy now. There is some Japanese word for abandoned blogs, but I couldn't find it.

But I thank you for reading. It has been fun writing this thing. And, of course, I wish you all the best!

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