Wednesday, August 6, 2008 SUCKS

OK--this is trite and trivial, and I'm sorry to waste your time. BUT, buries, in the "terms of service" contract that is as long as they all are, that they do automatic renewals! (I got suckered for 4 months of payments before I noticed it on my credit card bill.) Also, they suck. I live in one of the ten largest metropolitian areas in the country. They had 4 "perfect matches" for me in 3 months, and the only guy I met could hardly speak English.

And speaking of kvetching about dating has gone from having ads for "medifast" on the women's pages to ads for liposuction! I find that evil. Just evil to prey on women's insecurities about their bodies. But, there was a really good deal--maybe I should get my calves liposuctioned. That will fix all my problems....

Sorry for the trivialities. I promise I'll try to have something profound, or at least interesting next time.

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