Monday, May 3, 2010

Everyone Pairs Off. Everyone But Me

I had a really intense dream last night--the kind that has a hangover after you wake up, and you're a little groggy, not sure what was a dream and what is not.

I'm at a dance and there are 2 more women than men, so every dance 2 women are by themselves, and it is always me and a different girl. Every gal gets selected, and it seems like every dance, one more man and woman enter, so it is only a matter of time before every other gal has a partner.

Then the dancing ended and they were all paired up for a meal and there wasn't a place at the table for me.

Gee. I wonder what a psychologist would say this represented.

I don't mean to have a pity party. Sometimes I wonder if I hadn't learned feminism at an early age, if I would have been happily partnered and life would be good. But the fact is, feminism was never for the women for whom this society easily works (and there are a lot of them). Feminism has always been for the women who are left out. And I'm grateful that I've got a good job and can pay my own bills and good friends and fun hobbies. And men who are interested in me--I wish I could be interested in someone who was interested in me. There's just that fundamental mismatch. I suppose, without feminism, I would have settled. My grandmother did. She didn't really ever think her husband was worthy of her, and she could never think that if she had fallen in love with him. But she was 26 when he proposed which was, at that time, quite old.

But then, I think my grandmother had a pretty good life. I don't know. I mostly knew her after my grandfather died. She remarried, at age 70, a very wealthy man. She loved that time in society. And frankly, she loved having people to take care of. But I don't know that she was ever in love. Maybe being in love is over rated. I wouldn't know.

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