Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Amazing loneliness

I had this really amazing thing happen today.  I wrote a long analysis of an issue about a decade ago, and when it was done I gave it to several funders of another project.  I thought it was good, but nothing happened with it.

This funder, who I had been in touch with every 4 years or so, contacted me last month and wanted to meet, so we met today.  He finally read my analysis.  He LOVES it.  He thinks I should publish it as a book for a popular audience.  He has an editor/friend I'm too get in touch with.  He wants to give me money for time for rewriting it for a popular audience.  He is loaning me his lawyer to look over the book contract, as soon as I get one.

Amazing, amazing, amazing day.

So why am I so feeling like crying?  I know the answer.  It is because I want someone to share this kind of news with.  To celebrate with me.  Tony would have understood what this meant.  Dotty is the only one I've told, and she will want to hear all the details, but had to work late tonight.  My other friend should be celebrating with me like you wouldn't believe, but we had a fight a few months ago and are no longer speaking. My cats don't really care.

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