Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Standing my ground!

So this guy was talking with me on the phone (and he was at a loud bar, which I find obnoxious), and he tried to get me to talk about the strength of my orgasms with the last guy I was involved with. I said "I need to know you better to have this conversation" and he said why and was kind of badgering me, and I said "I'm not comfortable with this" and he said "it doesn't matter." So I hung up on him!

I have never hung up on anyone in my life.

He then called 3 times and 3 times I sent it to voice mail. I did send him an e-mail in response to his voice mail, which was clear and explained that "It doesn't matter" is not a response to "I'm uncomfortable with this" that I could deal with.

It feels really good. Like me saying "No--you can't treat me like that." I've never had the strength to do that. Typically, I'm polite, and then disappear. I don't like conflict and I never stand up for myself like that. I'm proud of myself!

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