Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hillary shows vulnerability

This isn't a political blog, but I need to comment on the reaction to Hillary saying she was having a hard time.

In my town, every single paper (except our biggie one), even the Spanish language papers have Hillary Clinton on the front with statements about how she is 'losing it.' And for what? Saying it was hard? Blinking away a tear of exhaustion? I was 12 when I picked my first monologue for acting class. It was from Arthur Laurents' A Clearing in the Woods and it went: "I'm not strong any more. I'm exhausted from pretending to be. I'm human. I'm vulnerable. I hurt." 12 years old and I was already exhausted from pretending to be strong. When did I not have to be?

Much of why I am here as a kinky soul, is that it gives me permission to be vulnerable. It is expected that a submissive will be vulnerable. It is also expected that the Dominant will create a safe environment for that vulnerability and cherish it. It is a real gift.

But why the hell shouldn't all women, no all people, have the freedom to show vulnerability? We actually give men far more credit when they do it. Well, straight men. Gay men probably have it worse than women. But if any of the men running had done that, all the media would be congratulating him. Bush repeated how "hard" the presidency was about 50 times (and used that as an excuse for incompetence) before it became a joke. But if a woman says "It is hard" and some people say she might have blinked away a tear, all of a sudden she is falling apart, emotional, unfit.

Edwards' attack of her was unforgiveable. I'd given him quite a bit of money, but I won't be voting for him. He basically just told ever woman everywhere that if they let their guard down, for even a second, men will attack. We have to spend all that energy appearing strong.

We need to get to a point in our society where all of us can share our vulnerabilities, not just build little fortresses up to defend them.

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