Friday, October 22, 2010


I'm in mild trouble at work because a client complained about the fact that I enforced a rule, and my boss isn't backing me up. His view is any complaint is valid.

I really hate it when I feel like I'm doing everything right and I don't have support for people around me. I hated it when I felt that way with the ex-boyfriend, and I hate it at my job. Unfortunately, the economy is such, that I'm afraid I don't have much of a choice right now.

And, I have a birthday coming up and no one to spend it with. I have 3 close friends, but only one lives in my town, and she's going to be in another country on my birthday. My only plans for my birthday are to get a cupcake at my favorite cupcake place. The thought of it makes me want to cry!!! I feel like I can't even do my regular fun things because people I do those with are on facebook and it just looks to pathetic to be taking extra dance classes on my birthday, or something like that.

I'm really trying to be open and joyous instead of guarded and defensive. But it means my emotions are much closer to the surface, and right now, that is hard.

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