Monday, August 12, 2013

Male privilege

In March I had a series of conversations with a guy who lives about 500 miles south of me.  I tried to make it clear that I wouldn't casually quit my job to be with him and he got persistent, so I wrote about a page about why quitting my job is just not an option for me.  He wrote "TMI but thanks and OK," which really annoyed me.  He had been pressuring me and when I explained he said "TMI."  Today he wrote me:
Him  Still admiring greatly 
Me: Too much information aside! If only we could get teleporting down.... 
Him I am extremely attracted to you
Me: Thank you. But, as we both know, I'm not geographically mobile. Alas 
Him Seems like some reparation ought to be made with this strong a feeling. 
I was deeply offended, and frankly shocked.  On what planet does a man demand "reparation" because, after blowing a gal off with a "TMI" when she talks openly about her concerns and then  months later, is still attracted to her?  Where on earth does a man's attraction entitle him to  "reparations?"

But here is the sad interesting thing.  Intellectually, I was pissed.  But emotionally, I felt bad (although less so after that comment). I do feel guilty if I blow a guy off who is interested in me.  I don't think it is a lack of self-esteem, although maybe that is part of it.  But it isn't kind.  I want to be kind to people.  I try and find the kindest way to tell someone I'm not interested.  I do not feel like I have the right to hurt people.  I've been blown off.  I know it hurts.  (I also intellectually know it is inevitable.  But I've gone on second dates with guys only because I feel bad saying no. I've kissed guys I wasn't attracted to for the same reason.  Never more than kissing.  But it has happened.)

It is funny, because I do think pre-MaxEarnest, I would have convinced myself this was flattering.  

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