Tuesday, October 28, 2014


So the guy I was seeing had definitely cooled off.  I'm seeing signs of his age because last week he got really annoyed that I hadn't texted him--he didn't want to have to do all the initiating. I told him I didn't want to be annoying, and he really took that as a statement of profound insecurity.  Maybe it is, but it was weird to me how extreme his reaction was to something I saw as a very little glitch. So this week, I tried to text him more and he just sort of disappeared. It makes me sad, but intellectually I doubt it could have worked.  I am awfully glad we didn't sleep together.  I do find it weird that there is a pair of my panties he purloined at his house....

The fact of the matter is, though, I really enjoyed it.  I felt more alive and happier at everything.  Music was more playful; weather was crisper.  Everything felt happier.

Part of me thinks that I need to just figure out my life by myself, but it was a tantalizing moment.

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