Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mirena Side Effects

This is mostly for women considering the Mirena IUD.  Not much kink here.

I was in NYC last month and went to see Wicked.  It is a guilty pleasure that I tend to see every other year, but it never failed to enthrall me.  It failed.  I went back to my hotel and popped out my Mirena.

I was willing to live without a sex drive because I've been single and don't have a lot of hope I'm going to meet someone that likes me that has what I need.  And honestly, at this point, if I met a great guy, I'm not sure it would even work with my time frame as I want to have a kid soon, and I'm planning on doing that by myself.  So the sex drive thing I dealt with.

I have to say that even orgasms with dirty books and just myself were a pale imitation of non-Mirena orgasms.  It was like I was critically analyzing my responses, but couldn't get actually lost in the sweaty, hot ideas.  I've always have very strong orgasms and these were really little.  (On the plus side, periods were light, very regular and lasted for 4 days.)

However, I realized that I've stopped enjoying movies, television, even theatre.  I've liked Game of Thrones this year, but never enough to not do something else at the same time. Same with Mad Men.  That ability to get lost in an orgasm seemed to be really closely linked to my ability to get lost in a show.  I'm embarrassed to say this, but I actually enjoyed the first Hunger Games movie more than the second.  Without a doubt, the second movie is better.  I know this intellectually, but during the 2nd movie (which I saw with the Mirena), I couldn't stop looking at the construction,, the foreshadowing, the how of the movie, rather than just enjoying it.

I would also say, my dreams were much less intense.  They didn't grip me--I always knew they were a dream.

When I went to see Wicked last month, I realized that I had just changed. I didn't realize that my ability to enjoy sex was so closely tied to my ability to enjoy movies/theatre/tv. (And, shockingly, the medical community did not look at the side-affects of "will you enjoy the 1st Hunger Games movie without this more than the 2nd one with it?"  They really should screen for side effects more!!)  I'm really curious as to the link between sex drive and movie-drive.  Is the ability to enjoy sex and the movies linked by more than sexy actors?  It really seems like it is to me.

If you want to, you can take the Mirena out on your own. It popped out far more easily than I would have thought.  (I wasn't even planning on taking it out, but I was looking for the thread, and when I was feeling the end of the thread, it popped out--you totally don't need to go to a doctor to do this.)  You need to be prepared for an incredibly heavy period (not just like you use to have--it felt like my body rebelled and all the extra blood that I didn't have for months was in that period).

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