Monday, March 5, 2012


I am rather hungry for all that Maxearnest has for me.  Truth is, when I'm with him, I just want more.  If I have an orgasm, in 20 minutes, I want another one.  Hypothetical, he didn't approve of me being greedy, but he seems happy with the way that I express my hunger and neediness, and when it borders on greediness, he is indulgent.  (I don't ever tell him what to do, but I do sometimes tell him what I'd like, if it were up to me, and I give him lots of looks that probably tell him what I want in no uncertain terms.  But he, unlike the ex, lets me look at him any way I want--in fact, he encourages it.)

Here's the thing, though.  I was headed from job to the gym thinking "I'm Maxearnest's slave" and I realized, yes, but with him, I still get to be Constance.  He isn't greedy.  As long as Connie is his obedient girl, Constance gets to run free.  I feel very lucky.  

Now, if we could only work on shrinking the Atlantic.

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