Monday, October 31, 2011

Jealous and Engaged

Something interesting is happening, which is that I seem to be developing a backbone and a sense of self-worth.

Yesterday, I shared a bottle of wine with a guy that I think I'll see again.  (I mean, he has already asked me out again, we just haven't set a date.)  And I talked with 3 men for over an hour each.  A fourth guy, who's name really is John (but not "John"), who had my phone number, finally texted me "Guess who."  Now several obnoxious things:  I hate it when guys expect me to know who they are from their text messages, but this guy hadn't even given me his cell before.  I'd been wanting to talk on the phone for a while and he kept not calling, so why he should expect me to know his name from his phone number is beyond me.

I didn't feel like playing the guessing game, so I didn't.  I said "I'm going out with a friend--let's text later."  He then said that he was the jealous type and I shouldn't be seeing other men.  "I don't want to share. I'm the jealous type."  I said "we haven't even met.  You can't be jealous until we have the conversation about not seeing other people."  He seemed annoyed with me.

Early this morning (EARLY!) I got a text message, and was annoyed, but went back to sleep.  Another text message a minute later.  I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.  5 minutes later a phone call, which I took, annoyed.  It was from John's fiancee.  She had gone through his cell phone and seen my text message.  I gave her his profile information and told her the rather short history of our contact.  I really hope he doesn't get mad at me.  I don't like it when people are mad at me, even when I think they're wrong.  He has my phone number. He could yell at me.  I hate it when people yell at me.

I feel sorry for her.  I'm glad he doesn't have anything other than my phone number.  And I'm glad I never met him.  And, frankly, I'm glad I was already annoyed with him and planning on not meeting him.

I guess there isn't any way to avoid this.  But when men won't talk on the phone, I should assume they are hiding something.  I was thinking it was flakiness or not that much of an interest in me.

So now I try to get back to sleep...

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